國際網路: 亞洲服務學習聯盟年會 (Service-Learning Asia Network, SLAN)
推動在亞洲對服務學習有興趣的大專 院校進行學生交流、系所研究、課程發展和計畫評估等活動的共識和組 織聯絡網,促進跨國合作,建立雙邊長遠深厚的互信基礎,為下階段開 設國際合作計畫的目標奠定穩固的基礎。

International Networks

The purpose of Service-Learning Asia Network (SLAN) is to promote the common interests and networks of student exchanges, faculty research, curriculum development and program evaluation among colleges and universities interested in Service-Learning in Asia. SLAN members share ideas about the development of Service-Learning in the region and have united together to encourage cross-national collaborations.

    慈濟大學 (@gms.tcu.edu.tw)